
Do what you have to do. Finish your assignments and listen to your teachers by following directions. If you are struggling, learn when to take a break and ask to take one. It is best to try and even when you make mistakes, you are still learning. When you know you’re about to do something wrong, stop, think, and listen and ask to take a break instead. If you're feeling upset ask to take a break to talk to the teacher or your theare trying to pull you into something to take your attention off of your work, just ignore them. Know your goals know what your trying to do. Don’t let others distract you from staying on task. If you want to do something to make sure you put that in front of everything else .instead of goofing off and risk getting in trouble. For example, pretend you’re in the NBA draft and showing the scout's your good enough to make it to the NBA, do your school work the same way. Remove your distractions by choosing positive peers to sit with and make sure to talk to your teachers about class. Discuss if your work is too easy or too hard or if you want to know more about topics in class.


  1. I agree. What usually works best for me is that i take a couple of deep breaths and ignore the person that i don't like or the person distracting me. If it gets too bad then i will ask to remove my-self or i will confront that particular person with a little bit of help and or support. it inst always easy but every-one has to confront people eventually. I've had some really and i mean really tough experiences with this. did confronting them work? it worked a little bit but not much. but if you confront people about there behavior you will feel about a million times better and most importantly you will feel relieved. over the past eight years i have struggled to talk about my feelings and didn't barley trust anyone to talk to,even my own parents i couldn't talk to for a little bit. but then my life turned around one day i woke up and learned that my dad had cancer and i was devastated because the only real experiences I've had with cancer i that my grandmother passed away from it and i thought my dad might do the same. but little did i know there were survivable types of cancer. and about three months later i got so mad that i caused about 2,700 dollars worth of wall and electrical damage. and i had to residential and came back basically a new child/teen how ever you would like to think about it. i learned very important like lessons there and as a result to lots of hard work and hard dedication i'm transitioning back to my regular high school


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